15 Ways to Boost Your Mood Naturally

  1. Eating a piece of dark chocolate, natural or organic, and unsweetened, can instantly boost your mood. Chocolate triggers the release of endorphins which cause feelings of joy and euphoria.

  2.  The things you smell contribute to your mood. Frankincense, lavender, rose and basil are just a few scents proven to boost your mood.

  3.  Taking a "cat nap" is a great way to re-energize your mind and body. Often times your blue mood exists simply because you are worn down physically and mentally.

  4.  As few as 5 to 10 minutes outdoors can boost your self-esteem and emotions.

  5.  Give a loved one a telephone call when you are feeling down. Speaking about what is causing your sadness is sometimes enough to improve your mood.

  6. The exposure of your skin to sunshine creates the production of vitamin D in your body.

  7. Practicing gratitude, listing the things you are grateful for, helps remind you that you have more to be thankful for than to be sad about.

  8. Exercise creates a rush of "feel good" hormones and emotions. Exercise can be defined as any physical activity of a moderate to intense level.

  9. Crying, letting it all out, is better than blocking your emotions for getting past some sad event.

  10. A simple task like folding laundry or washing the dishes can get your mind off what is causing you to be sad.

  11. Clean up, organize and simplify your life. Clutter is a major cause of anxiety in the human brain.

  12. Draw, write, paint or enjoy some other type of creative outlet. When you are creative, you move to a positive emotional state.

  13. People who own a pet have lower levels of stress, depression and anxiety.

  14. Meditation, focusing on the "now", is a wonderful and free stress reliever. It can help you move past feelings of sadness as well.

  15.  Prioritize your life, and you will be able to put your sadness into its proper perspective.

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