10 Ways to Transform Your Life with Mindful Living

Mindful eating is just one part of being more conscious and aware of your existence.

Here are 10 ways to transform your life with mindful living that can lead to even more emotional, physical and mental wellness. 

1. Walk in nature regularly, smelling, seeing, touching and hearing your surroundings.

2. Meditate. Take time to breathe deeply, calm your mind, clear your thoughts and just focus on the current moment. Don't think about the future or the past, just the present.

3. Focus on one task at a time.

4. Plan unplugging sessions every day. Detaching yourself from all electronics on a regular basis can help you reach a mindful awareness of yourself and your existence.

5. Appreciate yourself. Take time every day to recognize and verbally appreciate your positive attributes and skills.

6. Consciously drink water throughout the day.

7. Be conscious of what you put into your mind. Your mental fitness dictates your physical health, and vice versa.

8. Get plenty of rest. If you are not rested upon waking, it is hard to practice mindfulness and become conscious of your life.

9. Recognize failure as an event, not as who you are. If you make a mistake or fail, that is simply a lesson and something that happened, and it does not become who you are.

10. Simplify. Minimize. When you have more things than you need, you are distracted and overwhelmed, rather than being aware and focused.