13 Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

1. Breathe

Take a moment: Focus on your breath and the cool air coming in, warm air coming out.

Repeat several times.

2. Take Time For You

It is vital that you take time for you.

You need downtime, to recharge your batteries, refresh yourself, and rejuvenate.

You need time for you to destress so that you can continue giving to others.

3. Eat Clean

An increase in leafy green and other vegetables will automatically increase your health, your resilience and decrease your stress.

Eat lean white meat, fish, and healthy fats such as avocado, sesame oil, and coconut oil. Enjoy nuts, seeds, and berries

4. Exercise

Exercise such as brisk walking for 30-40 minutes, 4- 5 times per week will help you destress.

Your cardiovascular and circulatory health will improve, muscles will strengthen, bone density will increase, and you will release “happiness” endorphins.

5. Meditate

Taking time out to meditate every day, even if just for a few minutes, has been shown in studies to decrease stress and increase happiness.

A daily practice is the best way to reap results.

6. Be Mindful

Mindfulness is a form of meditation that can be done anytime, anywhere.

It involves being present to what is happening now, rather than reminiscing about the past or worrying about the future.

Notice your different senses (colors, sounds, textures, tastes, scents) as a way to keep you connected to the present moment.

7.Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is powerful! The more you practice it, the happier and more relaxed you feel.

Try being thankful for things every day!

Really experience the feeling of being grateful and you will become more contented.

8. Think Positive

It’s not so much what happens to you in life as how you respond to what is happening.

You can choose to see the glass as half empty or half full.

What will you choose?

9. Change Limiting Beliefs

Certain beliefs you hold may be holding you back in life.

The good news is, once you identify them, you can change them for more positive beliefs.

Next time you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, just say, “I am no longer that belief. I choose ....” Then insert your new, more empowering belief.

10. Let Go

Instead of trying to control everything, once you realize that ultimately, nothing is under your control, then you can let go and relax.

You may find that when you do let go, things miraculously resolve themselves, all by themselves!

11. Try Yoga

Yoga is a practice with many benefits.

It tones the muscles, increases strength, and flexibility, and prepares the mind for meditation, causing both body and mind to relax.

12. Take Nature Walks

Nature walks have been shown to help relax both body and mind, causing a greater sense of peace and tranquility to the body.

Being in the fresh air with natural beauty is a balm for the soul.

13. Relax

There are so many ways you can learn to relax: A hot bath with Epsom salts, relaxing your muscles one by one, lying down with your feet up against the wall.

When the body is relaxed, stress, and tension melts away, the parasympathetic nervous system takes over, and the body can heal.