15 Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

1. Learn Visualization

Visualization can help you increase productivity and also help you reach your goals.

Imagine a goal: Picture yourself as having reached the goal already.

Imagine in as much detail as you can the positive outcome you desire.

Science shows that visualization causes you to act in ways that increase your chances of achieving your anticipated outcome.

2. Try Acupuncture

Acupuncture works by balancing the body’s energy system.

Imbalance in the energy system is believed to bring about a state of “dis-ease.”

It can make you feel deeply relaxed and is an excellent way to release stress.

3. Reflexology

According to the ancient art of reflexology, or therapeutic foot massage, the soles of the feet contain a map of the body.

By pressing different points on the feet, the body’s energy system can be brought into balance.

It’s very relaxing and refreshing.

4. Create a Sleep Routine

A good night’s sleep leaves you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Turn off technology an hour before you put the lights out.

Read a book to help you fall asleep.

Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends.

Your body will appreciate the regular rhythm and will sleep better for it.

5. Try Something new

Doing something completely new shakes you out of your old routine and stimulates the brain.

Doing something different will take you out of yourself, help you gain a new perspective, and challenge you in a positive way.

6. Do More Of What Works

When you find that place of flow, the trick is to find ways to experience it more often.

Figure out what brings you joy, and then go get more of it!

7.Have Fun

Life without fun is no life at all. If you are working all the time, chances are you are not having enough fun.

And if you are not having enough fun, you will likely feel unhappy, unfulfilled, and stressed.

Having fun is key to mental wellness.

8. Take Up A Hobby

Taking up a hobby is one way to have fun, engage the brain, experience flow, stay present, find possible purpose and fulfillment, and enjoy yourself.

The list of hobbies is endless.

What appeals to you?

Try different things and find an activity that sticks. Then, stick with it.

9. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Lie down in a quiet place.


Clench your toes and feet as you breathe in.

On the out breath, let everything go.

Work through all the muscle groups in your body in this way, from toes to head.

10. Smile

When you smile, your brain is tricked into believing you must be happy and starts making “happiness hormones” for you.

So smile, even if you don’t feel like it.

It will make you happy!

Smiling also relaxes the muscles in your face and helps you release tension that way.

11. Avoid Stimulants

Stimulants such as sugar have been shown to keep your adrenals overactive and your stress levels high.

Your sleep will suffer and you will experience fatigue, so you then find yourself taking more stimulants to stay alert and the cycle continues. 

12. Green Tea

Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and lots of nutrients.

Even though green tea contains some caffeine, it will not give you the jitters, and it has a compound in it, which reduces anxiety levels.

Some studies have found if you drink up to five cups of green tea per day, you may reduce your stress levels, significantly.

13. Supplements

Many supplements can reduce stress.

These include:

Magnesium, a muscle relaxant.

Melatonin, to help you with sleep cycles.

Valerian for anxiety and

B-complex for improving mood.

14. Be Flexible

Often we have a plan in our heads about the way things should go.

Often, life has a different idea.

Things don’t always go according to plan.

Being able to adapt, or go with the flow, is a skill worth cultivating.

Embrace unexpected change graciously.

15. Manage Your Time

Print off a weekly schedule and organize each day.

Leave ten minutes earlier.


Make lists.

Cross off each item when completed.


Know your limits and learn to say, No.